Abrupt posts are the way to go.
Friday, November 28, 2008 @5:49 PM
Yup, I'm back. Because I wish to rant on how my film spoiled. Two films in fact!
I have no idea what happened because I managed to take a few pictures before the whole thing went wild. And went I put in the other film, it told me it had an error, thus not being able to take any pictures.
@4:51 PM
Photography can drive you nuts! Oh don't get me wrong, it's fun, yes. But when you're doing it for school, let's just say you'll rather take a digital camera and camwhore. But I love the peace you get taking photos, and I'm going to the nature reserve to take after I post this up. After all, I have been neglecting this blog of mine since I was rushing for my podcast to finish.
After my photography project, I'm pretty much free.
Well anyways, I'm back to the Smallville hype again and although it is sad not to see Lex Luthor around, Oliver Queen kind of makes up for it. I'm going berserkly crazy with DC comics as well. I have Batman and now waiting for Batman and Superman comics.
And it's official! My social life is dead.
It's just that every time when I have too much free time, everyone else is busy, but when everyone else is free, I'm the one who's too busy. Seesh!
Good thing there's family.
Thursday, November 20, 2008 @7:53 PM

Hey all! My China photos has been uploaded onto Facebook. I'm sorry I haven't been updating.
Due to amount of time spent in school and getting back late, it's a chore to reflect on my life. Aching bones and droopy eyelids- you can blame them.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 @1:42 PM
It is very sad when your muse runs out of you when you're writing a story which is highly probable. It circulates my mind pushing my writer's limits and wishes to type it down. However, immediately when I geared up to type, my muse runs away screaming madly for somebody else to capture it and leaves me drained and saddened.
I love writing, I love how I am allowed to let my imagination run wild but often gets stuck halfway when something prominent happens to my character when I'm not looking. So when the muse strikes, I either pen it down or type furiously onto my laptop hoping it does not run out on me soon enough.
The worse part is, when you're stuck with something because you can't find the word to describe your character. You thrive through your brain to bring out the bulk of vocabulary you have learnt over the decade or so years, but can't find it. And so you abandon the plot and rack your brains trying to find another word to string everything together but nothing is as good as what you initially wanted.
I often take a break, but my breaks drag out to a point where I abandon my stories and when I read back after three months or so, I realised how good it is but can't bring myself back into the mood to finish it up. I guess that's why I can never write novels. The only thing I manage to complete were short stories and drabbles, poetry and blog posts. Nothing long and excruciating that I can be proud of.
Currently, I have a set of two stories waiting to be written. Ever since I stopped, I never seem to get it going again. Perhaps I should try and open it up, and hopefully I can succeed and inform you all I have progressed.
Thursday, November 06, 2008 @8:46 PM
Staring long and hard at my wardrobe today, I realised I needed to do some shopping. Then, I realised I have been thinking the same thing since the start of this year.
I detest shopping with a passion, thus tending to procrastinate when I have to buy some clothes but it's a point of getting ridiculous for I have been wearing repeated shirts down to school for the few months. Okay, so maybe we're not there for a fashion parade, but all I need is some plain Ts that I can regularly change into.
So, thus shopping.
It is difficult for me to shop for my clothes, I have passed the baggy shirts and jeans era though I still put them on when needed, and I've come to a conclusion that people can be so puny. Seriously, walk down those night markets and you'll see that female t-shirts are made for anorexic people. They are so bloody small that it becomes skimpy and makes people look like whores.
They just don't notice it.
And looking at the other side of the shop, I for one wish that I am a man. Look at how cool and comfortable their clothing are. The vintage look looks best on male clothing, with more variety of the sorts. I am always tempted to hop over the other side and snag a male tee, but the bagginess drapes and drowns my body despite it's comfort.
God, you should seriously inspire people to create shirts of the female kind whereby it fits people who are bigger in kind. Make it a trend, make it classy, make it fashionable; whatever. Just do something with those anorexic clothes and have more variety in sizes.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 @6:54 PM

picture from: news.filefront.com
I was driven to write many types of article regarding Obama vs. Mccain campaign but decided on just telling as it is.
This election was probably one of the most captivating and interesting in a long time. Granted, four years ago the idea of election in the United States barely interest me, in my thoughts it went something like this: Bush vs.
who?But four years later, I find myself reading every article regarding each man's campaign, whether it was the charismatic appearance of Barack Obama, or the enticingly funny John Mccain. Either which who win would lead us hopefully out of the depressing economy which probably is the leading problem of today.
'Spread the wealth' was Obama's main idea, and I have to say, it is very appealing especially at the state the world's economy is in. Hopefully, with this exchange, one of the most powerful man on earth can help us get out of this endless recession.
What worries me the most however, is the white supremacist who deemed fit to judge a man on his skin colour. I thought we were out of that era, especially with education at it's peak. I supposed there will always be that group of people who plays judge, jury and executioner by a person's appearance.
Sure, we are all a little racist, but honestly, must we go to that extend whereby we kill people we naturally hate by sight? I'm an anti-violence antagonist for as cheesy and lame as it sound, I support peace in the world.